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The Story

Genesis Anesthesia Inc. was founded in Idaho in 2019.  Our vision is to revolutionize the locum anesthesia service market in the Pacific Northwest by providing our contracted anesthesia providers with the necessary independent skillsets and customer service training to be considered top quality job candidates at the facilities where they practice as locums, while still maintaining their ability to remain self-employed travelers with control over their own benefits, vacations, and schedules.  In 2022 we expanded our services to include anesthesia consultation services to hospitals, surgery centers, and anesthesia groups looking to improve their anesthesia staff workflow, skillsets and standard order sets.

Mountains in Clouds

R. Morley CRNA

President , C.E.O.


W.E. Morley CRNA

Vice President , C.F.O.

Clyde Owens Jr.

Business Manager 

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